Bank of America City Center, 401 E Las Olas Blvd, Suite 130-143, Fort Lauderdale FL 33301

P: (407) 734-0003

F:(888) 306-8259

E: Info@PrismPhysics.com

Accreditation support

      Prism Physics provides affordable, comprehensive accreditation assistance to guide you through the accreditation process in the following modalities:

*   CT    *   MRI    *    Nuclear Medicine    *    PET   *    Mammography   *    Breast MRI    *   Ultrasound    *   Breast   Ultrasound   *   Stereotactic Breast Biopsy   *

As a result of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) passed July 2008, effective January 1, 2012, all non-hospital providers that bill for MRI, CT, PET and nuclear medicine under the Medicare Part-B Physician Fee Schedule must be accredited in order to receive technical component reimbursement from Medicare. Even if your facility has received accreditation in CT, MRI, PET and/or nuclear medicine imaging, there are newly mandated requirements for CMS reimbursements after January 1, 2012:

  • Verification of personnel qualifications with primary source verification
  • Policy on patient record retention/retrieval
  • Policy on consumer complaints
  • A notice informing the patients where they can file a consumer complaint must be posted
  • Policy on staff and patient safety
  • "Provisional" or "under review" accreditation status will no longer be permitted
  • Sites must be prepared for unannounced site visits from both the ACR and CMS
  • ACR must share accreditation information with CMS
  • False or misleading information provided to an accrediting body to achieve accreditation can be used to initiate a federal fraud investigation

Contact us for complete Accreditation assistance to ensure your full compliance with new federal regulations and uninterrupted Medicare reimbursement payments.